“Climate Change Crisis”

Clearly, the most critical threat, the most dangerous threat to Americans and humanity on planet earth is Climate Change and all the dire complex consequences. It effects weather, our health, the ability to produce food and basic living conditions, political stability and economic sustainability. Climate Change is already affecting the number of immigrants that flee their home because of floods, droughts, famine and chronic adverse weather events. It will quickly become much worse.

1. Droughts, floods, famines, conflicts and mass migration, caused by heatwaves, wildfires, floods and chronic extreme weather events are dire effects already impacting America and the rest of the world. It already effects our health and our wallets.

2. 95% of the top scientists of the world are in total agreement of the dire threats that over development of our planet via the poison of carbon dioxide is a huge threat to our existence. Industries that profit from polluting the environment are fighting back with mass misinformation creating doubt within the public opinion. But there is no gray area, there is absolutely NO doubt that our extreme activities on earth have grossly distorted the fragile “balance of nature” that maintains life.

3. Republicans don’t believe in Climate Change! They continue to support/defend the polluting industries since they receive huge dollar donations from them. Trump already has met with the Fossil Fuel industry and overtly asked for a $1 billion in political donations in exchange for massive government support for the polluting oil/gas industry if he and Republicans win on election day! This is outrageous and extremely dangerous at so many levels!

4. The effects of Climate Change are already a significant portion of rising inflation in America and around the world. Adverse/extreme weather events have destroyed thousands of homes and businesses and disrupted the agriculture industry. Property insurance rates are skyrocketing along with food items we purchase be it poultry, meat, grains and items like olive oil or basic produce.

5. Hunger and disease are rising in Latin America “after a year of record heat, floods and drought, a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has shown. The continent, which is trapped between the freakishly hot Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, probably suffered tens of thousands of climate-related deaths in 2023, at least $21 billion of economic activity”.  Along with political instability/drug trade related violence, there are now record number of immigrants fleeing their home country for safe haven. There are many justifiable reasons for a spike in immigrants on our southern border.

6. Climate change should be the number issue for Americans especially younger voters. This is their future. What kind of existence will they be subjected to? Their destiny is in their hands. Don’t vote, or vote for ANY Republican who do not believe in science or Climate Change, you are adding fuel to a planet on fire. Or one can mobilize the youth via their knowledge of social media platforms and spread the word of activism and getting out the vote in the November election. It truly is a matter of one’s life or destiny on planet earth. The issue is that dire!

7. Scientists are increasingly concerned about the rapid warming of our planet. Recent data indicate rising temperatures are exceeding their previous estimates by significant and disturbing numbers!

8. Addressing the issues related to Climate Change are NOT like other issues whereby we can make mid-course corrections if necessary and problems are resolved. If we fail to act decisively/aggressively now, there is no plan B. We would be victims of mother nature’s wrath. It becomes just a means of basic survival since mother nature is so powerful and unforgiving. It could take thousands of years for earth to return to “balance”!

9. If there was danger of America being attacked by a dangerous adversary, our nation would unite, quickly mobilize essential resources and defend our nation. But with Climate Change, we are NOT taking the quick necessary steps to prevent the attack from mother nature who is exponentially more powerful and destructive than any current adversaries.

We are NOT taking the issue seriously mainly because the polluting industries and the Republican Party are obstructing the process. Four years of Trump in the White House stalled any vital actions of America. Only with a Democratic sweep of the elections in November can we start addressing Climate Change to protect the public and planet earth. Vote for any Republican, we clearly are DOOMED! It’s that clear cut! That dire!