Republicans corrupting our government

The true character of the Republican Party was shown to the public over the last week. Trump, the leader of the GOP met with the titans of the fossil fuel industry and requested/demanded one Billion dollars in political donations in exchange for less regulation and promotion of their poisonous product that is destroying the future of humanity on planet earth.

Such an overt corrupt act is outrageous and should be prosecuted but realize that has been the pattern of the Republican Party. They are the party of the rich, the party that supports lucrative corporations. For decades they have protected the rich at the expense of the consumer, worker and the environment. But now they are so brazen to openly corrupt our government months before an important election. And they want more power?

Republican controlled US Supreme Court in the “Citizens United” case gave the rich the ability to contribute to candidates an unlimited amount of money. That has corrupted our government. Under the GOP, it is We the rich, for the rich. Whereas it must be we the people, for the people. Election day, voters in HUGE numbers must vote for the Democratic Party to govern America “for the people”, not the lucrative fossil fuel industry that continues to profit from their polluted product!