Democrats can govern, Republicans can only obstruct

How can Biden/Democrats govern with so many Republican obstructionist tactics. Republicans in Congress fail to legislate, fail to fund government, fail to approve essential Executive appointments, threaten government shutdowns, and threaten default on US debt. Then toss in the Republican controlled US Supreme Court and their aggressive, obstructionist decisions on every critical issue that need Executive action.

Clearly, Republicans want America to fail, they want a weak economy and a dysfunctional government in order to win big in the November election. Realize that Republicans cannot govern. they can’t even govern themselves. They have disdain for government. They cannot compromise or cooperate for the good of the county. They can only attack, destroy, divide, hate, lie, obstruct and insurrect our government/our democracy.

The only choice America and democracy has is for Democrats to win big in November. They must win the House, Senate and White House giving them the power and responsibility to make dynamic changes to benefit the working class, consumers, planet earth, the rights of women and the most vulnerable in Society. Vote for EVERY Democrat on the ballot. Finally, they will have the ability to fully govern!