The fossil fuel industry is a heavy financial supporter of the GOP!
The oil industry has profited immensely from an oil monopoly!
When you pay extra for gasoline, in essence you are subsidizing the Republican Party!
The price of energy/oil/gasoline is NOT in the hands of a President. Clearly, prices are dictated by a monopolistic scheme called OPEC with a compliant US fossil fuel industry and the Republican Party. Republicans with financial support from the super lucrative oil industry try to blame Biden/Democrats for high gas prices but in reality, it is the GOP and OPEC.
At any time, the oil industry in the US can pump more or less oil. They control thousands of oil leases and an extensive system of transporting oil. No action by Biden can curtail such power of the oil industry. Some facts about the oil monopoly ….
■ OPEC controls 60% of oil sales globally.
■ OPEC control 80% of the world’s oil reserves
■ OPEC has gotten bigger as OPEC+ that includes Russia!
In essence, oil is NOT competitively traded on the world markets. Prices are controlled by OPEC+ with the US Oil Industry being complicit including the Republican Party. Under Biden Administration, oil production has established records in producing oil. Again, they “control” the market price of oil and gasoline US consumers pay. Democratic Senators are in the process of investigating the US Oil Industry for such egregious and illegal behavior. Democrats are protecting consumers!
Last year, world oil companies made over $200 billion in profits! US consumers paid for such record profits in higher gas prices. Big Oil and the GOP are blamed for this private sector tax on consumers. Blame the Republican Party, NOT President Biden/Democrats. The evidence is overwhelming!