Republicans embrace/defend white-collar criminals


Republicans claim to be tough on blue collar criminals but ignore the rampant abuse among white-collar criminals including their leader Trump. This is a pattern for the GOP as they always support the rich and ignore or attack the working-class in America.

White collar criminals use different tools and tactics when they steal or act in a criminal manner. A blue-collar criminal may forge checks, rob a nearby convenience store or steal a car. White-collar criminals use attorneys, accountant and sophistical techniques/schemes and scams to steal from consumers, the general public and the government.

Donald Trump is a white-collar criminal already convicted of 34 felony counts yet the GOP defend/support Trump as they daily attack our justice system which undermine our confidence in this vital institution.

It’s been estimated by the IRS that nearly a trillion dollars of lost tax revenue is due to illegal tax avoidance/evading schemes by rich individuals and large corporations via their high-priced attorneys and tax accountants. This is the “sweet spot” for white-collar criminals since IRS has been underfunded and greed by the rich is increasing exponentially. This is grand theft at historic proportions! What taxes that are not collected by the IRS, the working class must pay more and/or see reduced essential government benefits.

Democrats/Biden have recently beefed up the IRS to focus on these white collar thieves, but the GOP want to reduce the IRS budget and hamper the IRS’s efforts to recover hundreds of billions of dollars from rich individuals and large corporations. Again, the GOP protect the rich at the peril of the working-class.

Corporate crime against consumers, the environment is at record levels because little effort has been placed on their deceptive/illegal tactics in extracting wealth from the working class. Selling unsafe products, defective products, products that damage our environment and various financial schemes that cheat investors billions of dollars a year are the tools of white-collar criminals. Greedy corporations need to be regulated and aggressively prosecuted to protect the public. Again, The GOP always support the rich individual and large corporations by eliminating or defunding consumer protect entities initiated by the Democratic Party like the “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”, Federal Trade Commission or the Justice Department.

Elections have consequences. Voting for all democrats on the ballot will guarantee protection for the working class, consumers and our environment. Clearly, the GOP only protects the rich individual and large corporations.