Blame Republicans for our immigration mess!

For too long Democrats have been on the defensive regarding the issue of immigration. They must go on the offense! Clearly, the Republican Party should be strongly confronted about their divisive policies and actions that has made immigration much worse over the last several years.

Blame Republicans for ….

1. Creating a violent drug related environment in Mexico/Central America nations that have resulted in record number of people fleeing their native nation. The very lax Republican gun laws in Texas have resulted in a mass movement of over 300,000 guns/assault rifles from Texas to these small vulnerable nations to our south creating unlivable conditions. Its nearly impossible to purchase a gun in Mexico/Central America but the drug cartel can easily purchase them in Texas and distribute to their criminal armies.

2. Republicans have refused to pass bi-partisan immigration reform packages this year and in 2013. Both had strong bipartisan support but Republican leaders decided to kill the legislation. Republicans want immigration as a political wedge issue. They don’t want to resolve the issue. America would be in a much better position if the GOP passed these essential bills.

3. A president has limited Executive powers to address the southern border crisis since any action taken is only temporary and most actions have been reversed by the Republican controlled US Supreme Court.

4. Ever since Biden became President, the GOP and their complicit media partners of Fox/conservative mass media and social media platforms have shouted out to the potential immigrants that American borders are OPEN! Of course, they were not as record number of “captures” have curtailed the wave of immigrants inspired by GOP rhetoric. At many times, Democrats/Biden/Harris has openly stated that the border is NOT open to all. But GOP shouts of encouragement have accelerated immigration attempts.

5. The fastest growing segment of immigrants over the last several years has been Venezuelans fleeing a corrupt and economically depressed nation made worse by Executive actions of then President Trump. He established severe and crushing economic sanctions against Venezuela that created an economic depression. Over 7 million Venezuelans have fled their nation mostly going to nearby Latin American nations but a sizable number to America. Biden has to deal with the economic/immigration mess created by Trump/GOP policies.