Immigrants are victims!

Rather than building a wall along our Southern Border, why not STOP the Republican lax gun laws in Texas that allow over 300,000 guns/assault rifles to be bought by the drug cartel and transported to Mexico and Central America which has created horrific violence in these vulnerable nations AND help arm the drug cartels with fear and violence to fleeing immigrants?
Rather than build a Wall along our Souther Border, why not drastically curtail the massive addiction to illegal drugs Americans possess? This insane level of addiction is pouring over $15 billion/year funding the violent drug cartels in Mexico and Central America. American actions are funding drug cartels!
Rather than build a wall along our Southern Border, why not curtail the amount of carbon that is poisoning planet earth and causing the Climate Change Crisis and creating extreme weather events affecting small vulnerable nations to our South.
Immigrants and asylum seekers are fleeing conditions Americans and Republicans have created. Immigrants are the victims. They would rather stay in their native nation with their friends, family, culture and language. Until we change in America, expect further increases in victims fleeing their homes for safety and economic security. Don’t demonize them: Look in the mirror … we helped create this mess and humanitarian crisis!