The working class in America in record numbers voted for Trump/Republican party. They were desperate, stressed out without the financial ability to survive higher costs for the necessities of life. The working class thought they voted for a “savior” in Trump/GOP, but in reality, they will instead become economic “slaves” to the new massive powers of the billionaire class in America. An alliance between Elon Musk and Multi-billionaire Trump and his billionaire buddies means more profits, lower wages, lower benefits, higher consumer prices and less protection of government. The working class lost BIG!
What has happened in America after the election is the biggest shift in power in America history. The rich now own/control America and the working class! The rich control the Republican Party and severely harmed the Democratic Party. They have complete control of government …. The U.S. House of Representatives (probably), the Senate, The White House and the US Supreme Court AND a majority of statehouses across America.
The priority of the Republican Party has always been to protect the rich individual and large corporations. Now that they have complete power, they will continue to enact legislation and Executive Powers to give further HUGE tax cuts to the rich and reduce regulations that mostly protect the consumer, workers and the environment. AND, they will slice and dice most government programs that benefit the working class, like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, minimum wage laws and financial support for higher education.
Inflation will again accelerate with the radical acts of the GOP. Massive tariffs are massive taxes on consumers. Deporting millions of hard working immigrants will destabilize the economy and jack up prices of essential grocery items. Who will harvest the crops at the farms? Who will construct the homes we desperately need? Who will work the jobs immigrants have done with a nation already desperate to fill 9.5 million jobs that need workers? All of these actions will disrupt the economy and raise prices and lower quality of services. Elections have consequences, dire consequences for America after the most recent election!
The bottom line, the Working-Class must unite/organize to protect their financial and social well-being. Please support “” and other organizations that will support the working-class. Who else will protect your basic needs?