Abortion/Women Rights

Abortion … the radical attack on the fundamental rights of every female

Below are a series of “talking points” about the issue of abortion/rights of women:

1. “Abortion” is a medical procedure that has been demonized for decades by the GOP and religious zealots. The more expansive framing of the issue is the attack on the “fundamental right of every woman” and girl in America. Abortion is a subset to the greater and more consequential attack on the right of females to control their destiny, control their reproductive abilities. It is the most important right that only females should have for themselves. These rights involve a wide spectrum of decisions about not wanting a child (abortion), proper planning for children (contraceptives) and extraordinary efforts of getting pregnant (IVF); Republicans have/will deny any of these rights for all woman and girls in America.

Updated June 2024.  Republicans are now proposing restrictions on the ability to obtain a divorce! 

2.Restrictive laws against abortion denies a woman’s ability to make the most important decision in their life that involves their economic, financial, physical and mental well-being. No one should have that power other then women themselves. Denying such freedom is similar to repression of females in ISIS controlled territories in the Middle East. It is extreme and radical. Democracy is freedom for everyone including women and their unique rights by being a female.

3. Republicans are “pro-fetus cells”, not pro-life. Clearly their laws are anti-women. anti-child. They care more about fetus cells than the financial, physical, mental well being of a woman or a child. The biggest segment of society that need an abortion are vulnerable females without the monetary means to have and raise a child. Republicans are intense and committed to evolving Fetus Cells, but once a child is born, they will not support any assistance to the child or mother. To force an unwanted child to be born without the financial means or a strong family structure is gross child abuse!

4.The other Big Lie is that Republicans are “pro-life”! Once a child is born, they have a consistent record of opposing most pro-child legislation. The GOP care more about fetus cells then the “life” of a child once born. This is a list of pro-child benefits that most Republicans oppose ….

1. Paid parental leave

2. Child-care assistance

3. Free universal Pre-k education

4. Most social assistance programs benefiting children/families

5. Universal Health Care

6. Free school lunch programs

7. Free Universal 2-year college/trade schools

Most if not all developed nations of the world have such basic support programs for children but because of Republican Anti-Child policies, children especially the most vulnerable suffer. The GOP continue to push for more tax cuts for the rich, and cutting essential programs that support families and children yet they claim to be pro-life! Just another lie!

5.The issue of abortion even involves men since if this medical procedure is denied, men will have to share the expensive costs of raising a child for a minimum 18 years. Of course most of the burden is on the woman, but men are still vulnerable to a major financial commitment for at least 18 years. Abortion restrictions harms society.

6.The right of females to decide their reproductive future is probably the number one right of a woman. It is fundamental to their being female. More important than any right under the constitution. If they cannot control their body or destiny, they are slaves to a restrictive/repression society.

7.Abortion/reproductive rights effects all women even those that never think they would be in a position for such a medical procedure. Even those that eagerly want to have a child will be negatively impacted by restrictive laws that have life-long impacts such as the recent Alabama Supreme Court decision effecting essential IVF treatments for problematic pregnancies. Another example is the unfortunate miscarriage that affects one million females/per year in America. Will they have to prove the miscarriage was not an intended abortion? Must they hire a lawyer to prove such a tragic event was not intentional?

8.What about young girls and adult women who tragically were raped? According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 1 in 5 women have experienced rape or attempted rape at some point in their lives. Must they carry that the fetus until birth? Already over 64,000 women and young girls who were raped had pregnancies in states that banned abortion after overturning Roe vs Wade. What about unwanted pregnancy when the female does not have the financial resources to raise a child or maybe the fetus is deformed … why must they carry it until birth thus putting the woman’s life in danger?

9. Females must have the full ability to choose if and when to give birth. That is a personal decision with life-long, monumental impacts on every aspect of their lives. Many women want a child but wait until the right moment when they are financially, emotionally and career wise ready to pursue a child. But when pregnancy happens unexpectedly at the absolute wrong time, she must have options to choose which is best for a child AND herself.

10. All GOP efforts are focused on the Fetus Cells but when a child is born, the GOP abandon children and their emerging needs. They consistently vote NO to mandatory parental leave after a child is born. They vote NO on childcare assistance. They vote NO to Universal Health Care. NO to any assistance to vulnerable families who typically obtain this medical procedure.

11.Republicans force a women to bear a child, but when the child is born, the GOP abandon the needs of this child or this vulnerable family that probably has limited resources to properly raise the child. The majority of abortion procedures involve poor females with limited resources. An unwanted child born in poverty with lacking government support via GOP disdain for social welfare, creates another generation of poverty with limited upward mobility. This isn’t Republican pro-life, its pro-poverty with limited assistance. Republicans care about Fetus Cells but don’t care to support the child when born.

12.Restricting abortion creates many adverse problems for females even if they want a child. One million miscarriages occur every year in America. Will Republicans and their restrictive laws question if these tragedies are real or intentional abortion. Will they have to be investigated? Who pays for the legal or medical bills for such investigations.

13. We in America all support religious freedom but what Republicans/Evangelicals want is to force their religious beliefs on everyone. That is not religious freedom, that is religious tyranny! Evangelicals and Republicans are free to not have an abortion procedure, but don’t dictate/force your personal/political and religious belief on everyone. We have a democracy in America, we are not another ISIS territory.

14. Republican claim they are “pro-life” but they clearly are NOT! Just look at their pro-life record ….

1. They support capital punishment

2. They do not support Universal Health Care which would save millions of lives

3. They are forceful in their support for more guns and less restrictions. Guns kill an average of 40,000 Americans including 2,590 children.

4. Consistently, Republicans have proposed major cuts in programs that benefit the lives of vulnerable children like child care assistance, food stamps, housing or energy support vouchers.

15. Democrats are truthfully “Pro-life” as they continue to propose and implement programs that benefit everyone’s life especially young children. They have a long and consistent record of supporting ….

1. Child care assistance

2. Requiring free parental leave for parents of newborns

3. Universal Health Care

4. Free universal pre-K

5. Some form of free college tuition for Junior college/trade schools

Republicans continue to oppose most of these issue. They mantra is more tax cuts for the rich and much small government, lower benefits to the most vulnerable.

16. 41% of current abortions involve woman below the poverty level of income. Over 70% are at twice poverty level and lower. The most vulnerable woman are thus forced to have a child they don’t want (for various reasons) nor can they afford. A majority are not married thus a child is born in very problematic conditions not conducive for a good quality of life. Many of these children have mental health issues, problematic personalities, act out at various forms of criminal activity. Such broken families become frozen in social welfare assistance most of their lives. This is the sad and destructive force of restricting reproductive rights for females.

17.The Republican attack is NOT just about abortion. It involves a wide spectrum of actions that further restrict the ability of a female to control their lives. Republicans want further restrictions on contraceptives, abortion medicines, birth control pills, access to plan parenthood facilities, outright bans on IVF attempts during problematic pregnancies or other medical support entities.

18. The true meaning of “Pro-Life” is supporting children in America who live right now in poverty, with limited quality food and inadequate housing in dangerous neighborhoods. They are not emerging fetal cells, they are alive today, with feelings, personalities and a wish for a much better quality of life. But Republicans shout out “pro-life” for fetus cells and ignore the hunger and desperation of 7 million American children living in poverty. The GOP continue to cut essential social assistance programs affecting mostly the poor while giving out HUGE $2 trillion tax cuts to rich individuals and large corporation.

Clearly, Republicans are NOT pro-life! The rich via their policies are living great, but the “life” of millions of American children are NOT! Many of these poor children are the result of excessively restrictive abortion laws. The mothers were forced to have children but without the resources and support group to help raise them.

19. Democrats are “pro-life”. They are for the best “quality of life” for the woman and the child if it is the right time. Forcing an unwanted child create a horrible quality of life for a child born with the lack of resources.

20. Republicans are “pro-fetus cells”.Democrats are pro-life…. pro-“quality of life” for both child and mother.

What is most important is the quality of life of mother and child when birth is planned and have the necessary resources and conditions which is best for both. Republicans only want a child regardless of the conditions for the child after birth. That is actually child abuse!