Americans have been trained to blame Government for whatever ails them?

 1. It’s been the taunt by the Republican Party since President Reagan that government is evil, incompetent or inefficient and must be diminished in size and allow the private sector to thrive. If inflation happens, if gas prices go up, if there is a shortage of housing it’s the government’s fault. But this is mostly another BIG LIE!

2. Most of the major problems in our nation originated mostly from the private sector. Government is expected to clean up the mess left by greedy corporations and rich individuals. Regulations are a means of “protecting the public” from dangerous excesses of greedy entities. An example was the excesses in the financial markets in the 2008 Wall Street crash that crushed the US economy. Gov. had to step up and save the economy!

3. The recent spike in inflation is an example. It was NOT caused by government/Biden. COVID and the monumental impact on every aspect of society caused a spike in inflation in America and around the world. Corporations failed to maintain the supply chain creating severe widespread shortages that drove prices up. Government did NOT raise prices. Greedy and inefficient corporations did at the peril of consumers/the working-class.

4. A robust Government is an essential core of any civilized society. Government creates/maintains and expands essential infrastructure for the public and private businesses. Wealth cannot be created without government and workers. Diminish government, you reduce wealth and prevent upward mobility for individuals and the economy. As Corporations become supersized with superpowers over consumers/workers and government, a strong government is essential. It’s time we point the finger at the real evil forces …. greedy rich individuals and greedy corporations! Of course, not all entities are evil/greedy but enough of them have and continue to disrupt and harm the working class and our environment with horrible consequences!