
Rising Crime in America … The “COVID Crime Wave”

Important update! 

Actually, the COVID crime wave has significantly been reduced across America.  What hasn’t been reduced is the wild exaggerations of the GOP and media about crime.  High tech webcams/cell phone cameras, video clips of crime are saturating the media and social media platforms.  People think crime is still high, but it isn’t.  Only the “perception of crime” is rising via lies and hyperbole of the GOP/Fox and social media platforms. 



Republicans have cleverly packaged rising crime as the fault of Democrats … soft on crime, lax prosecutors, bail reform initiatives, “defund the police”, rising crime only in cities with Democratic Mayors. Of course, these are lies and distortion of facts, but they have worked via media outlets like fox and digital social media platforms.

Democrats must quickly articulate the reason for rising crime. Facts are on their side, but their response so far is too defensive, too weak and unfocused. The message must be “simple, strong and sustained”. COVID is the core reason for rising crime and violence everywhere in America! But now, all levels of crime are improving.  


The main reason for rising crime is COVID and its devastating effect on every aspect of society. The social/mental health effects of long periods of isolation, fear, death, loss of employment, the Great Resignation and monumental levels of stress are the driving force in skyrocketing crime levels in every part of America … large cities, small towns, suburbs and isolated rural areas. It can be described as the “COVID Crime Wave”. We can all take a vaccination to deal with COVID, but there is no quick fix for the COVID Crime wave. But we must accept its existence and explain it to the public.

Another contributing factor was the breakdown in the local legal justice system as court activity was frozen or drastically reduced during COVID. Courts are still trying to achieve pre-COVID capacity to clear cases. Jails/prisons also let go many criminals as COVID was spreading inside their facilities. Also a large number of police officers have resigned/retired which reflects the reality of the “Great Resignation”. Police like EVERY profession in America has seen disruption and major losses in key personnel. Rising crime at the same time as we are losing police has been extremely problematic.


All levels of crime were decreasing, then COVID, then widespread crime!

Over the last 30 years, levels of crime/homicides have significantly decreased across America but then COVID happened, and crime spiked at record levels. Clearly, COVID was the agent of change that has fed the growth of all types of crime everywhere! Review these FBI statistics “before” the spread of COVID….


FBI data on crime

between 1993 and 2019

Violent crime rate fell 49%

Rates of robbery down 68%

Murder/manslaughter down 47%

Aggravated assault down 43%

Property crime rate fell 55%

Burglary fell 69%

Motor vehicle theft down 64%

Larceny/theft down 49%

* Note that these substantial reductions in crime levels throughout America was accomplished when Democrats controlled the vast majority of cities. Clearly, only COVID was the disrupting factor that paused the gains for three years and now crime levels again are being reduced.

The following crimes/social dysfunction have soared during/since COVID. It was like a switch was turned on immediately as COVID spread its negative effects … shocking societal norms.

1. Murder rates

2. Violent crimes

3. Petty larceny

4. Car thefts

5. Domestic violence

6. Road rage/plane rage

7. Suicide rates

8. Use of illegal drugs

9. Fentanyl deaths

10. Drug related crimes

*** Another dire effect of COVID is skyrocketing sales of weapons. In 2021, over 10.4 million guns/assault weapons were manufactured and sold in the US …. significantly higher than pre-COVID period. Mental health issues related to COVID AND skyrocketing sales of weapons is another source of violence in America during the COVID period.

Homicide rates in rural areas was up 25% in 2020. Up 30% for larger cities. But homicides in NYC are still just only 20% of the rate of the 1990’s! NYC, the nation’s largest Democratic City is a shining star in reducing crime Despite the COVID crime uptick.


Because of COVID, all levels of crime have soared everywhere, not just in major Democratic cities. Cities in general have always had high concentration of poverty. Cities have very limited budgets. Most of the core reasons for crime cannot be controlled by city Mayors. Its typically the function of larger institutions like State Governments that can properly fund programs that prevent crime.


The top 7 states with highest murder rates

2020 CDC Data. Murder rate per 100,000


1. Mississippi 20.5    Republican Red State

2. Louisiana 19.9      Republican Red State

3. Alabama 14.2       Republican Red State

4. Missouri 14.0       Republican Red State

5. Arkansas 13.0      Republican Red State

6. S. Carolina 12.7   Republican Red State

7. Tennessee 11.5   Republican Red State

What has made crime even more problematic was the COVID related effect called the “Great Resignation”. Police Departments like every industry/profession in America has seen record levels of employees leaving the profession/quitting/retiring. Police departments across America are also understaffed. Rising COVID related crime AND less police officers created the “perfect storm” for more crime.

■ “Soft on crime”? The US incarceration rate is the highest in the world by a wide margin. Our prisons/jails are jammed packed. The problem is that we are creating more criminals than we can arrest and jail. We need a greater effort on crime prevention/mental health programs/social welfare assistance to families to ensure children grow up with a solid foundation of values and stability.


Worldwide incarceration rates as of 2022



United States    629

Russia                326

Mexico               169

Sweden               73

Germany             70

Japan                  37


Defund the Police”? It’s never been a policy of the Democratic Party. Some activists angered by widespread racial abuse by police officers want to defund those elements that exist in every police department in America. We need to defund racist police officers, defund the militarization of police tactics but we must “fully fund” efforts to protect the public utilizing a full spectrum of tools including mental health intervention, community policing and aggressive recruitment of police officers that reflect the diversity of our nation be it racial, religious or sexual orientation. Presently there has been a trend of hiring ex military personnel. That maybe a mistake.

Republican policies are the main cause of crime in America.

1. The daily mantra of the GOP is “more hate and more guns”.

2. Sales of guns spiked during COVID as violent crime rates rose

3. The New Republican Party led by Trump and his 91 felony counts is the “role model” for budding criminals across America.

4. Trump brags about his police “mug shot” and constantly attacks our judicial system in America undermining its trust within society.

5. Trump has shown criminals that crime and lies and fraud pays with financial/political benefits with little legal consequences. If trump can get away with criminal/immoral behavior all his life, why can’t I?

6. Crime is heaviest in areas of poverty. The GOP continue to cut essential social assistance programs like food stamps, child-care assistance, free parental leave benefits to the most vulnerable resulting in GOP created incubators of crime via poor, stressed out problematic families and young adults.

7. Republican policies continue to feed the machine that produces criminals across America. Mix their constant message of hate with 350 million guns and substantial poverty and toss in their leader’s 91 felony counts you can understand the outcome is increasing levels of crime and social misbehavior throughout America.

8. Clearly, the Republican Party and their disruptive/criminal actions/more hate and guns dogma have caused a rising tide of defiance/criminal activity and disrespect for the pillars of our civilized society among the public throughout America. Republican policies cause rising crime, NOT Democrats.

9. How can the GOP talk “law and order” with a problematic lawless leader?

Just look at the rap sheet of Donald Trump, the leader of the Republican Party:

91 felony counts over 4 separate judicial districts.

Already found guilty of massive fraud via his family business.

His charity and University were forced to close because of fraud.

Found guilty of sexual assault against a female.

Married three times, cheated on all three.

Thousands of documented lies when he was president.

Additional civil lawsuits and criminal prosecutions pending.

The Republican Party has totally embraced/defended and glorify this chronic criminal with abhorrent immoral traits. They have absolutely no credibility in addressing the issue of crime. The Republican policy of fighting crime is just focused on police mobilization and mass arrest.  They ignore the foundation of crime creation … mental health crisis, children raised in poverty and abuse and lack of economic opportunity.  Yes, we must contain the violent offenders but work to reduce the record level of dysfunctional people who cause crime.  Trump/GOP appear to glorify crime as their acts of disrespecting laws and our justice system becomes the norm.