Do Republicans want an “efficient” government via DOGE? NO!

1. The most productive act of government to improve efficiency … to improve the process of generating more government revenue for essential government services is upgrading the IRS with an infusion of cash to find the nearly one trillion dollars of uncollected taxes mostly from the rich. But Republicans are doing the opposite. They are defunding the IRS in order to protect their financial friends, the very rich in America.

2. The rich via schemes and expensive attorneys and accountants have devised complex schemes to defraud the government of rightful tax revenue. Democrats/our government could reduce the federal debt and secure the needed funds to benefit the working class IF they had the resources to investigate these schemes and generate revenue due to the public. The average guy pays its taxes, the greedy rich don’t with the support of the Republican Party.

3. Biden/Democrats have already passed legislation that infused the IRS with billions of new dollars to go after the greedy rich who hide their income. But Republicans have chipped away at these funds and with the new GOP administration, they may well eliminate these additional funds in order to benefit/protect their billionaire supporters.

4. taxes the greedy rich fail to pay, the working class must pay more and/or accept significant reduction in benefits like Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid … etc. Of course, the GOP constantly lies about the IRS budget. Claiming more IRS agents will go after you and me and other small businesses. But the truth is the opposite. Going after the rich creates a MASSIVE return. Already small businesses and working-class individuals are paying their share. The rich aren’t!

5. The IRS and government by the people are friends and supporters of the working class. Make sure they are funded so they can work “efficiently” to get tax revenue from the greedy rich. You pay your taxes, the greedy rich don’t! That must end ASAP!