1. Another more relevant word to describe “regulations” is PROTECTION. Republicans for decades have demonized regulations and demand major reductions. They distort the tremendous value of regulation on society. Republicans have disdain for regulation in order to protect the rich individual or large corporation. They never talk about why government have regulations.
2. Regulations typically are initiated as a result of dangerous, negative behavior among the private sector. Gross and chronic abuse directed towards consumers, workers or the environment necessitates action to protect society. Regulations are not created in a vacuum. There must be dangerous acts that do harm that would require regulations.
3. Regulations are a major essential tools of government. Government’s main mission is to protect the public and thus regulations are the means to curtail abusive and dangerous behavior. Consider them common sense “code of ethics” for the business community to ensure they can thrive yet still protect the public, consumers and the environment. This is what civilized society does to ensure stability and fairness.
4. Why the need for de-regulations? Corporations now have record profits, record stock prices and record executive pay. Regulations are not harming the ability of corporations to thrive. But regulation are essential for the working class.
5. When a Republican shouts out “de-regulations”, one’s first reaction should be fear. Fear the impact of these de-regulations on your financial and physical well-being. Shouting deregulation is shouting out they want less protection for society so they can make more profits. It is that simple and duplicit.
6. Regulations directed at our financial markets is the number one reason why investors around the world park their wealth in America. They trust their money in America because there are strong regulations and rules to protect domestic and international investors. Regulation also prevents the collapse of financial markets which protect the public/the working class. De-regulations in our financial markets will instill FEAR!