DOGE is dangerous and destructive to Democracy/the working class. Led by billionaires with zero knowledge of government, their goal is substantial reduction in our government and their support for the working class. Their aim is over $2 trillion in cuts mostly in social welfare benefits like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps. They refuse to reduce or even analyze the HUGE Defense Budget which is loaded with pork and corruption.
Why does DOGE want a much smaller government?
The rich and their proxy agent the Republican Party want to reduce the power of government as the rich get much more powerful. They want huge reductions in regulations that protect the public, consumers, workers and the environment. Reduced regulations mean more profits for corporations while the rest of us will see substantial financial loses, injuries or death. This is how the rich transfer wealth from the working class to their back pocket. Dangerous products, expensive financial schemes, horrible working conditions, limited overtime pay, scores of hidden fees from banks/retail outlets/concerts and substandard business services are just the tip of the icebergs of injury from the lack/reduction of regulations.
Government is the last line of protection for the working class in America.
If government is reduced in size and power, we become slaves of the rich as prices rise, service is poor and our paychecks get much smaller with even smaller benefit packages. We lose big, while the rich win BIG! We need protection by our government. Our government/democracy must be “we the people, for the people; NOT “We the rich, for the rich”
The DOGE group is in essence a very powerful lobbyist group exclusively for the rich. They are now part of the Republican government being organized at the palatial palace of the rich at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in the extreme ritzy area of Florida. Only billionaires, Wall Street Hedge funds, private equity executives and corporate giants are seen in the gold-plated Trump mansion. No representatives from labor unions, national nonprofits, or consumer groups or environmentalists. NOPE! Only the rich are lining up to pillage the $7 trillion Federal government budget.
Repeat the warning. DOGE is Dangerous!