Republican policies have dire consequences

Elections have consequences and with the Republican controlled US Supreme Court we see an a horrific attack on the core elements of a civilized society. These three issues decided by a Republican Supreme Court are having massive collateral damage to the structure of American Society.

1.Massive support for more guns and less regulations that protect the public. Over 350 million guns and military styled assault rifles saturate our nation, and they want more despite the daily carnage of crime and violence in our schools, in our neighborhoods across America.

2.When they terminated Role vs. Wade, the full-frontal assault on the fundamental rights of every female accelerates from the Federal to the state level via Republican control. It’s not just about abortion. It’s about planning every aspect of a woman’s life and of a child if and when it’s wanted. The GOP even want to deny the opportunity of life when parents chose it via an IVF medical process. This is like ISIS tactics of controlling women!

3. Citizens United was the decision of a Republican controlled Supreme Court that now allows for unlimited money going to political campaigns giving massive influence/corruption by the rich over our government institutions. It’s no longer government by the people for the people. It’s government by the rich for the rich. This is the most destructive act against our democracy, our nation


Clearly, Republican power at any level or branch of government have damaged our Democracy, our nation or any civilized society. These three Republican decisions are profound and continue to destroy our liberties and opportunities. Register and VOTE in MASSIVE numbers to say NO to every Republican on the ballot. They do not build, they continue to attack, destroy, divide, obstruct and insurrect.