Its been the disturbing pattern of the Republican Party to focus on hate as its main tactic to garner votes. Hate, fear and division are hourly/daily shouted out by the GOP along with their complicit conservative mass media like Fox and amplified further in social media platforms.
Republicans ….
Hate the Black Community
Hate the Hispanic Community
Hate immigrants
Hate the gay and transgender community
Hate Asians
Hate Muslims
Hate Science and institutes of higher learning
Hate public school teachers and their unions
■ America is a nation of immigrants from all over the world. That is the basis for our economic success since 1776. We thrive on diversity of religions/cultures/nationalities. To attack so many groups and playing one group against others is the divisive tactic that is undermining our nation. Voting for ANY Republican on the ballot only gives haters acceptance/encouragement and incentive to intensify its vile attacks on the most vulnerable.
■ The working-class is a collection of all of these unique/diverse groups. They all want to thrive, be healthy and live in a safe environment. They need to work together to ensure they get a bigger piece of the economic pie that they help create. Republicans who represent the rich have been effective in breaking up the working class by divisive hate. It has worked so far, but it must end this November. Vote for EVERY Democrat on the ballot to work for a united working-class.