Should America “trust” Trump/Republican Party?

Honesty, trust and empathy are major essential character traits of any candidate or political party. We measure them from their past actions. Clearly, Trump and the Republican Party have serous character flaws which continue to undermine civil norms.

⇒ Trump cheated on all three of his wives

⇒ Trump cheated on his taxes

⇒ Trump cheated hundreds of small businesses via his 7 huge bankruptcies

⇒ Trump cheated the public via his fraudulent University and Charity

⇒ Trump even cheats when he plays golf

⇒ Trump cheated financial institutions in getting fraudulent loans

⇒ Trump has lied thousands and thousands of times

⇒ Trump tried to cheat on the 2020 Presidential election! 

Despite a horrific record of immorality and lies, the Republican Party has selected trump to be their leader, to be their “role model” for the GOP and American children. They support/defend him despite 91 felony counts, found guilty already for massive tax fraud, found guilty of sexual abuse … etc. How can ANY voter trust Trump and his Republican Party? Voting for them only rewards abhorrent and immoral behavior. Vote for every Democrat on the ballot. Democrats support government/democracy and will stabilize our nation and quickly make the dynamic changes our nation desperately needs. The GOP cannot be trusted with power!