income inequality

The working-class works harder but gets less. The rich easily get richer manipulating government and financial markets!

The working class in America works the hardest, longest hours per week and the least vacation time than most if not all developed nations in the world. AND it doesn’t have universal healthcare, legal right to vacation time, heavily subsidized college/trade school tuition or required paid parental leave with new child. Again, every developed nations […]

The working-class works harder but gets less. The rich easily get richer manipulating government and financial markets! Read More »

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Wild and unfair distortions in income/wealth in America.

1. Trump’s “Truth Social” company lost $363 million so far this year! It’s meager revenue flow is only $2.6 million, 20% less than the previous year. Yet Wall Street values his company at $7 Billion! How is that possible? That is crazy/irrational and immoral. 2. The 3 richest people in America have a total net

Wild and unfair distortions in income/wealth in America. Read More »

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American Working-Class is under assault!

American working-class has the least benefits than the vast majority of developed nations of the world. We work the longest hours, have the least amount of vacation time, don’t have free parental leave with a new child, don’t have heavy subsidies or free college/trade school education, lack robust child-care support, don’t have universal health care, have among the lowest

American Working-Class is under assault! Read More »

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