The biggest beneficiary of Government is the Working-Class!
■ When Republicans attack government, defund government, when they fire tens of thousands of professional government workers, they are attacking the working-class. The main function of government is to protect the public from a growing number of domestic and international threats and greedy entities that endanger the public physically and financially. Government creates opportunities for individuals and businesses to thrive.
■ Without a strong government few people or institutions could survive/thrive. Government sets the foundation for any civilized society. The public needs a well funded government that constructs/maintains essential infrastructure. Roads, bridges, public health systems education, justice system, domestic/international security, consumer protection and essential Wall Street regulations are some of the benefits of government that stimulate personal and corporate growth.
■ Regulations are the key tools of any government. Regulations are essential “protections” for individuals, businesses and the environment. When you hear the words “deregulations” it means less protection and more profits for businesses at the peril of workers, consumers and the environment.
■ As corporations become bigger and more powerful, when commerce involves the complexity of international trade, when technology can become supersized and dangerous to society, a robust government is essential. Small government is ineffective government unable to protect the public. Small/weaken government is easy prey from rich/powerful entities domestically and internationally. Small government weakens us as a nation and allows a few rich individuals and corporate entities with massive power to rule every aspect of our lives!
■ Government’s constituency is the public. Corporate constituency are just the stockholders. Rich people only care about themselves and their wealth. Who do expect to protect you government or Exxon? Government or Wall Street? Government or Elon Musk? Core to any government is that it must be “by the people, for the people”, not what it is now “by the rich, for the rich”