The working class in America works the hardest, longest hours per week and the least vacation time than most if not all developed nations in the world. AND it doesn’t have universal healthcare, legal right to vacation time, heavily subsidized college/trade school tuition or required paid parental leave with new child. Again, every developed nations around the world have all of these benefits but America workers don’t!
But the rich can get much, much richer with a myriad of monetary schemes and opportunities/benefits the working class do NOT possess. An example is Donald Trump’s recent investment in “Truth Social” a speculative company he created a few years ago. It has clearly failed in all metrics of business success but …..
Truth Social
1. Lost over $363 million in 2024
2. Revenue for 2024 is only $2.6 million, 23% less than the previous year
3. Currently Wall Street values this problematic business at $7 Billion!
The rich are getting richer while the working-class is imploding/struggling to survive while conditions getting worse via COVID! What are the plans of Republicans for the working class and the rich? Well, the rich will get a HUGE $4.7 trillion tax cut while proposing HUGE cuts for benefit programs that assist the working-class. Outrageous, unfair and totally immoral!