Trump/GOP only serve the rich

Trump was lucky to be born rich and via schemes, scams and not paying his taxes, he continued to accumulate wealth and live in multiple mansions … even with a gold-plated toilet in his NYC mansion! All of his life, he has served the rich with luxury condos, expensive hotels and golf resorts. Never has he shown any interest in serving the public, the working-class. But now, he is starting to present a general platform/shallow promise to become a “populist” … a leader for the working class!

Desperate to win elections, months before a critical election Trump and his Republican Party are promising multiple benefits for the working class without conviction, detail or means of paying for it. Like a conman, it sounds great/appealing. Of course, if he wins, he will turn the keys to government to the rich and powerful on Wall Street, the polluting fossil fuel industry and pharmaceutical industry. And quickly dismantle or significantly reduce just about every benefit program for the working class like Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, food stamps, Pell Grants for college …etc.

Don’t listen to Trump or the words/promises of the Republican Party. Look at their history/their resume and accomplishments/commitments. Clearly, Democrats serve the working class, Republicans have always served the rich.

Trump is NOT a populist; he is just popular with the rich!