Trump/GOP, the “role models” for criminality

Rising crime occurred everywhere in America over the last three years because of the monumental effects on society by “COVID crime wave”. But now, the number one cause of crime across America is Trump/Republican Party. They have created an environment of criminal behavior, a disrespect for laws and civilized behavior. Budding criminals see the most powerful Republican possess 91 felony counts, already guilty of massive fraud via his family business, already guilty of sexual assault. And don’t forget his University and Charity were forced to close due to FRUAD. And now Trump is bragging about his Mug Shot!

These appalling and criminal acts by Trump/GOP becomes a toxic “role model” for budding criminals. It establishes an incentive for civil misbehavior and disrespect for “law and Order”. Adding police will not stop rising crime anywhere if the Republican Party and its leader are promoting criminality to the masses. It’s time to stop rising crime …. Vote NO for every Republican on the ballot. They continue to be existential threats to democracy, law and order and the truth!