Trump/Republican anti-immigrant venom

Clearly, Trump/Republican Party will make “anti-immigrants” a key policy position in the November elections. It’s a reoccurring theme of the GOP …. attack the most vulnerable group … divide the working-class … distract the public from the real issues effecting most Americans.

The GOP attack immigrants with vile and disgraceful comments and policy proposals yet both Trump and Vice President candidate Vance both have strong personal ties to immigrants. Trump’s wife is an immigrant from Slovenia and Vice President candidate Vance’s wife is a daughter of immigrants from India and follows the Hindu faith.

Melania Trump was not born in America but had became a citizen via special connections and money via her husband Donald Trump. In a controversial process, she obtained a green card via a special visa called the “Einstein Visa”/EB-1 “reserved for people who are highly acclaimed in their field – the government cites Pulitzer, Oscar, and Olympic winners as examples – as well as respected academic researchers and multinational executives”. Her “field” was as a model!

1. The issue of immigration is saturated with misinformation and fear mongering. We are a nation of immigrants. They have been an essential reason for America economic success. Immigration is NOT poison to our nation, it is a catalyst for our dynamism in economics, innovation and culture.

2.Immigrants cannot vote, a majority cannot receive government assistance, they commit significantly less crime than native born Americans, they are more entrepreneurial than Americans. They do NOT carry illegal drugs or Fentanyl into America. Most cross our Southern border legally claiming, “asylum status”. They are fleeing unsustainable conditions that in large measure is blamed on American actions (US demand for illegal drugs, lax gun laws in Texas and emerging Climate Change effects).

3.Realize that spike in immigration that had happened in America is happening all over the world via excessive violence/political conflict and extreme weather events/droughts/floods via Climate Change Crisis. Many countries in Latin America are getting much, much more immigrants than the US with much less resources. But understand the flood of immigrants has substantially subsided at our Southern border via President Biden actions and cooperation from the Mexican government. Comprehensive immigration reform legislation is an imperative but Trump and the Republican Party refuse to pass it. They only want to use the issue as a political benefit before the November election.

4.Bottom line, we need immigrants as much as immigrants/refugees/asylum seekers need us. The border must be secured and electing a Democratic party majority in November will guarantee it will be accomplished with speed and compassion that benefits America.